Tag Archives: TheFloW

Vitashell 1.51 updated

TheFloW has updated his Vitashell to version 1.51 and it fixed some bugs with Vitashell 1.5. You can get Vitashell 1.51 from github

VitaShell 1.51 Changelog

■ Fixed bug where ‘Please wait…’ was shown instead of a specifc USB message.
■ Fixed VPK installation crash.
■ Fixed bug where ‘theme.txt’ was always resetted.
■ Updated to newest libftpvita.

VitaShell 1.5 supports USB mass storage transfer

Developer TheFlow updated new version of his application-VitaShell 1.5 with powerful and useful feature. VitaShell 1.5 can support USB mass storage transfer which means you can transfer files to and from your PS Vita directly instead of FTP.

VitaShell 1.5 Changelog

■ Added USB mass storage transfer support.
■ Added RAR archive support (by Mayoshiroi).
■ Added coredump viewer.

If you have installed VitaShell on your PS Vita 3.60 Henkaku, the VitaShell will be updated automatically on your console. Or you can get the latest VitaShell.vpk and install it on your PS Vita 3.60.

VitaShell firmware v1.4.1 released with properties feature

Developer TheFloW works hard to update the firmware of his application for PS Vita, which adds many powerful features. VitaShell 1.4.1 supports sorting files/folders and check the properties of any files/folders.

If you want to update your VitaShell to v1.4.1, you can download VitaShell 1.41.vpk and install it on your PS Vita 3.60

Changelog 1.41
Added ability to sort files and folders by size and date. Press R to switch sort method.
Added the long desired ‘Properties’ feature. You can also check whether an eboot.bin is safe or not.

Changelog 1.4
Added group RW permissions on files and folders when moving. Safe homebrews like RetroArch will now recognize files and folders that you have moved from ‘ux0:video’.
Added scanning for dangerous functions in packages.
Added possibility to choose compression level.
Fixed time information in zip archives.

Vitashell 0.91 updated

One day ago, developper TheFloW has released a new version of Vitashell- Vitashell 0.91. Vitashell offers manager, package installer and built-in FTP under PS Vita Henkaku.

With hard working, TheFloW updated Vitashell 0.9 and 0.91 within two days You can now download the latest Vitashell and update it on your PS Vita 3.60. Here are the changelogs

Vitashell 0.9

Added possibility to use specific background for file browser, hex editor, text editor, photo viewer.
Added files and folder icons by littlebalup.
Added charging battery icon by ribbid987.
Added sfo reader by theorywrong.
Added translation support for turkish (english_gb uses the same id as turkish, fix it Sony!).
Fixed bug where copied files and folders of archives didn’t stay on clipboard.
Allow auto screen-off.
System information trigger combo changed to START instead of L+R+START. System information can now also be translated, thanks to littlebalup.

Vitashell 0.91

Added automatic network update. VitaShell will now notify you when there’s a new update. You’ll then be able to download it within the VitaShell application and it will update both molecularShell and VitaShell to the newest verison.
Added text and audio file icon by littlebalup.
Updated to latest libftpvita which fixed file size string > 2GB and added APPE command.